
Angelus Leather Paint Collector Edition-1 oz

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  • The basics

    Give your shoes some personality or add new life to old ones with Angelus Acrylic Leather Paint. 

  • The benefits

    Easy to use and no more paint mixing needed.

  • The specs

    Available in 27 colors.

  • The bottom line

    The Collector Edition paints are matched off of actual OG shoes, which means no more guessing when it comes to matching.

1. Make sure the shoes you're using are clean by wiping the shoes down with Angelus Leather Preparer and Deglazer . This is an all-purpose cleaner and stripper for leather articles and can be used to de-glaze the factory finish as well as open the pores of your leather shoes allowing for more adhesion with your paint. If there is some color that you want to keep: block that off with Frog Tape. Wearing heavy duty rubber gloves, clean your shoes using a rag or a cotton ball. Wipe excess from leather. Remove the laces and set aside; you can replace them later with new laces.

2. After allowing your shoes to dry for a few minutes, you are ready to apply the leather paint. Make sure the areas of the shoe that you do not want to paint are still masked off or if you want, you can add black, silver, or other colored accents by masking off additional areas thereby creating your own custom sneaker. If your shoes are dark, you should paint your shoes with a coat of white first. You will probably then need about 5 coats of paint to insure an even color. Five thin coats wear better than one of thick one.

3. Apply paint with short even strokes being careful to smooth out the edges to avoid getting ridges. Angled brushes are great for facilitating this. After you finish painting the first coat Use a hair dryer to assist in the drying process. A dryer does two things. First it "shrink wraps" the paint to the shoe and second, it smooths out any unwanted brush strokes by melting the paint right into the prepared leather. Apply the final coat, once again using a hairdryer to dry your paint and now you are ready for the next step.

4. If you've sectioned off parts of the shoe, for the sharpest edge, remove while the paint is still a bit wet– don't wait for it to dry, or else you may have cracking issues.

5. You'll need to let the paint dry for 24 hours before wearing. Finish with your choice of finisher- Angelus Acrylic Finishers come in Matte, Satin, and High Gloss. Once they're dry, you can put the laces back in and you have your new leather sneakers.