Cosplay Supplies

Are you a big fan of cosplay? Find everything you need to transform into your favorite character at Manhattan Wardrobe Supply, your one stop online store for cosplay supplies. We offer an extensive range for your selection and our online store is one of the leading theatrical suppliers of theater effects makeup around, with products from all of the industry’s top brands, including Kryolan, Cosbond, Worbla, and Angelus.

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View Details Alphasol Hi Temp Reducer - 16 oz | MWS
Alpha 6 Corporation

Alphasol Hi Temp Reducer - 16 oz


Cosplay is one of the most popular ways to dress up and have fun, with all types of fans, including sci-fi, Manga, fantasy, and comics all trying to recreate their favorite characters. 

As one of the leading cosplay online stores, we provide all the cosplay supplies and cosplay accessories you need to wow at your favorite cosplay events

Whether you are into anime characters, science fiction, or comic books, you don't need to go anywhere else to find supplies to transform your cosplay costumes to the next level. 

Browse cosplay tools, cosplay materials, and cosplay equipment. We have everything a dedicated cosplayer needs to create the perfect new costume.

It doesn't matter if you are new to the exciting world of cosplay events and cosplay competitions or you have been crafting intricate Worbla builds for many years, we have all the must-have items that will help you stand out from the crowd at your next cosplay event. 

From cutters to markers, adhesives to paint, foam to finishers, if you are ready to get serious about cosplaying, then we've got your back with our vast collection of crafting supplies. 

We understand that fabricating cosplay costumes can be a grueling process which is why we have scoured the web to discover the latest techniques, tools, and equipment that promise to transform the way you craft and create.

Not sure where to start when it comes to creating the ultimate cosplay costume?

With our extensive selection of cosplay accessories, supplies, materials, and tools, the sky really is the limit. Let your imagination run wild and see where it takes you. 

If you love Spiderman, we have all the crafting materials, including paints, foam, and clay, to help you create the most show-stopping Spiderman ever to be seen. 

Or if you can't get enough of Harley Quinn, then check out our selection of face and body paint which will allow you to channel your inner Harls with ease. 

A complete cosplay beginner? 

Take a look at our collection of cosplay books that will tell you everything you need to know about entering the world of cosplaying, with tutorials on cosplay lighting, cosplay sewing, cosplay prop making, cosplay painting, and so much more. 

Remember, cosplay is all about being creative, so don't feel like you have to stick to your chosen character's exact design and look. There is no reason why you can't add a touch of your own personality into your costumes. In fact, this will make them even better!

Whether you want to splash the cash or you are looking for cheap cosplay ideas, here at MWS, we have everything you need to blow your competition out of the water and dominate the cosplay scene. 

Browse our entire selection of cosplay accessories, cosplay supplies, and cosplay tools above and get started creating the ultimate cosplay costume!